Training as a vehicle paint sprayer
Your training
- You will join in and learn step by step how the surfaces of our vehicle frames, chassis and bodies are painted and finished.
- We’ll show you how to pretreat and post-treat surfaces and undercoats using special working techniques.
- You’ll get to know all the typical painting and preparation processes (e.g. sanding, priming, painting, polishing) and will of course then be able to try out a lot of them yourself.
- The training begins on 1 August 2023 (and lasts 3 years), but we will also be happy to receive applications that do not fit in with that timeline.
Your profile
- You graduated from lower secondary education (ISCED 2, Hauptschule/Realschule) with a mark of 3.5 (ECTS grade D) or higher
- As a vehicle paint sprayer, you should be creative and have a strong feel for colours and designs.
- You are a skilled craftsperson with good fine motor skills
- You work carefully, paying close attention to quality
- And, especially importantly, you have good teamwork skills!
Moetefindt clothing
Takeover guarantee
Extremely modern workplace
Shopping vouchers
Capital-formation benefits
Team events
Petrol vouchers
Training courses and CPD
Support with learning material
Regular get-togethers
Chance to win excellent awards